My publications can primarily be divided into two main categories:
1) Texts with a methodological focus discuss the theory and application of Dialogical Sequence Analysis both as a tool for psychotherapy research and for psychotherapists in practice.
2) Systematic clinical case studies explore the development of new forms of agency through psychotherapeutic interaction, particularly around themes of shame and vulnerability.
For those interested in delving deeper into these topics, they can be found on my ResearchGate profile.
Kivikkokangas, S., Enckell, H. & Leiman, M. (manuscript in preparation). Self-analysis, interaction, and the influence of the analyst – from transferential to developmental vulnerability in the case of Amalia X.
Abstract: How do psychoanalytic therapies bring about change? Previously we have shown empirically how self-observation as precondition for self-analysis developed though different steps in Amalia X’s intensively studied case during session 152 – 156 (Authors, submitted). The central problematic theme was Amalia’s relationship to her vulnerability: from being paralyzed victim at the mercy of others in the beginning to reaching a new sense of agency at the end, how she had taken her vulnerability more into her own hands. This change took place together with her changing relationship with the analyst. In this study, we will shift focus to show through what kind of interaction this observed change in Amalia’s self-observation was made possible. We study five consecutive psychoanalytic sessions 152 – 156, with special focus on the interaction in session 155 before the observed change in Amalia´s capacity for self-analysis. Our focus is on actions of the analyst.
Working paper
Kivikkokangas, S., Leiman, M. & Enckell, H. (submitted, second round of revision) The development of self-observation as a precondition for self-analysis - the case of Amalia X. The American Journal of Psychoanalysis.
Abstract: Psychotherapeutic orientations generally aim to develop a new kind of self-observation, though they differ in the methods used to achieve this. In psychoanalysis, the capacity for self-analysis is considered a main objective. As central as the self-analytic function is, being the route by which the psychoanalytic process may continue after treatment termination, empirical research on self-analysis is sparse. In this study, we attempt to show empirically how self-observation as a precondition for self-analytic capacity may develop. This is our first objective. We study five consecutive psychoanalytic sessions of one of the most researched psychoanalytic treatments, that of Amalia X. We do this by using Dialogical Sequence Analysis – putting it to test being our second objective. We hope to show how Amalia, through the process in these sessions, takes a new stance on her problematic experience of being exposed and vulnerable in front of others. Our focus is on Amalia´s dream experiences and her relationship with her psychoanalyst.
Working paper
Kivikkokangas, S., Enckell, H. & Leiman, M. (in press). Dialogical sequence analysis as a tool for psychotherapist.
Abstract: In this article, we demonstrate how Dialogical Sequence Analysis (DSA) is utilized as a tool for enhancing a psychotherapist's listening and understanding abilities. Initially, we outline how DSA concepts serve as mental tools for psychotherapists, laying the groundwork for their practice. We then delve into the application of DSA as a means of listening to expression, shedding light on the theoretical foundation of this practical approach. Furthermore, we describe the use of DSA as a tool in clinical settings, illustrating how descriptions generated through its application organize therapeutic interaction, using the fictional case of "Jonas" as material. Although our discussion is from the perspective of psychotherapists, DSA is applicable to all professionals interested in a client-centered approach. Lastly, we offer some reflections on how DSA can provide a fruitful perspective on vulnerability.
Kivikkokangas, S., Leiman, M., Laitila, A. & Stiles, W.B. (2020) Hiding shame – a case study of developing agency. Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis, 13 (1), 85-116.
Abstract: The hiding aspect of shame makes the study of shame difficult. In this article we aim to show through Hanna's case study how shame manifests and develops during the course of one psychotherapy process. This will be done using Assimilation analysis (APES) and Dialogical Sequence Analysis (DSA) to show in detail one idiosyncratic developmental path through which the relationship toward the problematic shame experience changes and develops in psychotherapy. Results show how the manifestation of shame toward the problematic experience of being seen was present in the first moments of the first meeting, but also how during the sequence of sessions 7-9 Hanna's relationship toward shame evoked referent unveils and developed gradually through therapeutic work from assimilation stage 2 to reaching stage 5-6 at the end of the 9 th hour. This study shows how Hanna was able to reach a new kind of active agency toward the shame that, in the beginning, held the agency in her 'community of voices', and how this understanding of shame's developing and hiding nature can be of use in a clinically meaningful way.
Kivikkokangas, S. (2020). Depressiiviset ja itseään laiminlyövät persoonallisuudet. Nuorisopsykoterapiasäätiön erityiskysymyksiä. Helsinki.
Abstrakti: Tämä kirjoitus perustuu Nancy McWilliamsin aiemmin tänä vuonna Nuorisopsykoterapia-säätiön koulutuspäivillä pitämään 'Depressiiviset ja itseään laiminlyövät persoonallisuudet' esitykseen. Aiemmin näiden luentojen sisältöä on julkaistu kattavasti McWilliamsin vuonna 1994 julkaistussa laajasti käytössä olevassa oppikirjassa Psychoanalytic Diagnosis. Kirjoituksessani kuvaan McWilliamsin esityksen keskeisiä ajatuksia depressiivisten ja itseään laiminlyövien aikuisten ja nuorten hoidosta sekä esitän näiden pohjalta joitakin kommentteja. Tulokulmanani tekstissä on, mitä depressiivinen tai itseään laiminlyövä nuori ja aikuinen tarvitsisi, jotta muutos voisi mahdollistua. Tähän kytkeytyy sitten tuo kysymys psykoterapeutin sopivasta vastauksesta eli hoidosta, miten vastata toisen ilmaisuun toisen kasvua ja kehitystä auttavasti.
Book chapter
Kivikkokangas, S. & Leiman, M. (2019). Dialogical sequence analysis as a method in theory based single-case studies in psychoanalysis. Scandinavian psychoanalytic review. 2, 110 – 118.
Abstract: In this article, Dialogical sequence analysis (DSA) is introduced as a method in theory-based single case research. The structure of article is as follows: first, we will describe briefly the historical background of single case studies and their position as the foundation of psychoanalytic knowledge formation. Secondly, we will describe through Amalia X’s case how one psychoanalytic ‘specimen case’ has been used as a cornerstone for a comprehensive psychoanalytic process research model, the so called ‘Ulm model’. Amalia X is one of the most studied single cases internationally also outside psychoanalytic process study field. Thirdly, we will introduce the central theory and practice of DSA. Fourthly, in the last section of our article, we will show in practice how DSA can be used in the analysis of Amalia’s dream in the session 152.